
Why I Might Have To Quit The Obama Administration...

By | 1:50 PM Leave a Comment

A complete lack of political fortitude.

Say what you will about Dubya, but if he believed in something, he made it happen. He steamrolled his way to victory with far less decisive margins (GOP to Dem), and he did it with far less political capital than Barack Obama.

What we have witnessed in the past 2 or so months is a complete political collapse of the Obama administration regarding healtchare. Initially, they failed to take control of the message, and now they've failed to correct those mistakes in their rebuttals. We're left with a crippled strategy run by those willing to compromise anything necessary to get this one in the "win" column.

You want to talk about alienating the base? Well consider me alienated. What is reform without a public option perfectly.

My television shero, and possibly the smartest woman on tv, Rachel Maddow sums it up.

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